Tuesday 26 April 2011

Final post of AS Media Studies

Tayla Lloyd
Candidate number: 7311
Centre number:17131
John F Kennedy School
Chosen brief/print - Front Cover, Contents Page & Double Page Spread of Music Magazine

Here i will post my final designs of my music magazine.

Main task: Evaluation

Main task: Production

                                                          Front cover:

Contents page:

Double page spread:

Wednesday 16 March 2011

Main task: Mock up of contents page

This is a rough outline that I have designed in order to help me when designing my final contents page for my music magazine.

Main task: Mock up of front cover

I have made a mock up of what I would like my end result to be like. It gives me a template to work with to make it easier when designing my front cover.

Main task: Photoshoot planning

I have made suggestions as to what I would like my images to be like. I have also planned how I will do my photoshoot and where I will be doing it.

Photos that I couldn't use for my music magazine:

Tuesday 15 March 2011

Main task: Mission statement

Main task: Mast head ideas

I created two different names for my music magazine, and played around with different fonts and colours which helped me decide what colours work best and which fonts stand out and would catch my audiences attention.

Main task: Contents page ideas

I created a mind map of contents page ideas that I think my magazine should include. When it comes to making my contents page, it will therefor be easier for me to create it, and know what to write in order to entice my audience.

Main task: Front cover ideas

For part of main task I used different mast head ideas and played around with different layouts to gain an understanding and idea of what it is that I think would be effective and what I would like to create, I used an image of a music artists to gain an idea of the types of photo I would like to create.

Main Task:Target Audience

For this task I thought about what I think my target audience would be interested in, once I had made my collage of ideas, I then annotated it with my reasons for my decisions.

Wednesday 16 February 2011

R&B music magazine - Double Page Spread Annotations

R&B music magazine - Content page annotations

R&B music magazine - Front cover annotations

Genres of music

Introduction to music magazine

Now that I have completed my pleliminary task on school magazines, I will now be moving and working on music magazines.

School magazine - Finished front cover and contents page

Annotated contents page

Contents page for my school magazine

To create my contents page I decided to take feedback from the audience from my front cover and interpret it into my contents page. I used a variety of different colours, also adding red as that is the main school colour. The background isn't to dark so it stands out, therefor it doesn't make it dull for the audience to look at and read. I am happy with how my contents page turned out as I think it will attract my target audience.

Final front cover

I have taken into consideration the audience feedback, and improved my first draft of my school magazine front cover. After looking over my audience feedback, I improved in most areas that the audience commented, which achieved a more realistic and professional looking front cover. I started off by making my font larger and also placing it across the student as to make the page not look so bare. It also then draws the audiences eyes to the 'WIN PRIZES' Secondly I lightened the background to make the text stand out, this has an effect of that it will capture the audiences attention because it won't be as dull. I then experimented with using different colours that would fit in with my front cover, so i decided to use orange for the word 'HOT' because the connotations of hot is either red or fire for orange. I feel as though the changes made to my front cover have helped to create a nicer looking front cover and a more balanced page.